I. Welcome!
Hello! My name is Lauren Sickert and I am a fun loving sophomore here at Edinboro University. I really enjoy spending my time working, at home with my family, and being with my friends! This here is my "This I Believe" video. Hope you enjoy it!
My future plans as a learner and teacher are to be a successful educator that is down to earth and can have a classroom that is enjoyable. I really want my students to enjoy their time in my class and enjoy what they're doing while they are in my class. I want to learn as much as I can so I can teach my students what is necessary for them to get the right education to make them successful in life!
II. My Classroom
I teach in a puplic school located in a small town in rural Pennsylvania. I teach high school Social Studies, grade 10. There are about 25 students in the classroom, in which one of those students are special needs. The ages of my children are 15-16 years old.
The students in the classroom really enjoy the great outdoors! In the town I live in, there isn't much you can do but work, and hang out with your family and friends. I have a great relationship with my students where they trust me and each of them are their own individual without causing problems. My students are friendly and when they come in, they make me really enjoy my job because they enjoy being taught and learning. As a whole my students function well together and help one another out. I use different technologies in my classroom such as a smartboard in which I use for videos, projets, etc. It is a great tool that can be used by the teacher and the student and my students love to use it because it's a blast to play with! I help out my specials needs students by definitely incorporating them into what we are doing but in their own way so that they understand it but yet it is still accommodating their needs as well. I have a helper who comes in to help the students with needs in case I am not able to meet them myself and they also have particular tests they take that are accommodating to their disability.
The organization of my classroom is designed based on my students, their needs, and spacing. I designed my classroom with the Promethean in the front of the room where I can stand easily without being cluttered and if there were say a group presentation going on, the students would have plenty of space to stand and do what is needed without everything being squished. I have it so eight, eight, and nine students are sat at the large round tables with plenty of room to do their work. I have the special needs help at her own desk behind the table with nine students because at that table, my two special needs students are seated and she can easily help them when I am unavailable. I have a laptop case by my shelving that is home to Mac's that were provided to me by the school. They are a lovely asset to my classroom because the students can do a lot of their work on them and technology is very prevalent now a days.
1. One technology that connects students and teachers inside the classroom would be the SMARTboard. The SMARTboard is definitely a great tool that makes teaching and learning fun. You can do so much on it because it is all touch, you can use your hands for it which makes it that much more fun! You can do anything on it from videos to presentations.
2.One technology that supports publishing students and teaching work would be Wikispace. Wikispace is web page where you can share information to others like pictures, ideas, and links. It's great for students and teachers!
3. One technology which connects students and teachers outside the classroom would be Facebook. Teachers are able to create pages for students which then they can share the homework, talk about things in the classroom, and parents are always more than able to join in on the page to see what is going on!
4. One technology which connects classroom with experts around the world would be Skype. Many classrooms now-a-days are being taught via skype where the teacher is on skype and the students are in the classroom or can even be somewhere else and still be taught the lesson. It's quite remarkable what technology has advanced to, skype is a wonderful tool and I look forward to using it in the future in my classroom.
5. One technology with allows collaboration with others to create and share knowledge is blogger. We used blogger in our class and it was great way for us to share information we learned from YouTube videos, different websites, and articles we read. It was easy to use and fun to mess around with. It's definitely a great way for others to stay connected and great for classroom work!
III. Assistive Technology
-As mentioned before, I have a special needs student in my classroom. My student has problems with his ADHD. The special needs help spends her time a lot of her time with him to help with his short attention span, helping me out, to makes sure his work get done. Due to his trouble focusing, we have him doing smaller tasks instead of the largers ones however, he still accomplishes the same amount of work the other students do. When it comes time to take tests, he takes particular tests that are made up for him so his abilities are met. When he is doing his work, he is in a different part of the classroom than the other students so he isn't distracted due to his inability to consentrate. He is a very intelligent student with a bright future and it's my job to make sure I do everything in my power to make sure he succeeds! Below is a picture of Jimmy:
-Technologies Jimmy uses are the laptops which are housed inside the classroom. On the laptops Jimmy uses blogger to stay connected with his classmates, teach himself social studies information and he loves to use the laptops! Another technology he uses is the promethean. On there, he really enjoys using the pen to share his work with the classroom. Everything Jimmy uses supports his needs because he feels as if he is apart of the classroom and not different from anyone else. He is able to accomplish using the laptops with ease and loves them very, very much!
IV. Feedback!
Hello! My name is Lauren Sickert and I am a fun loving sophomore here at Edinboro University. I really enjoy spending my time working, at home with my family, and being with my friends! This here is my "This I Believe" video. Hope you enjoy it!
My future plans as a learner and teacher are to be a successful educator that is down to earth and can have a classroom that is enjoyable. I really want my students to enjoy their time in my class and enjoy what they're doing while they are in my class. I want to learn as much as I can so I can teach my students what is necessary for them to get the right education to make them successful in life!
II. My Classroom
I teach in a puplic school located in a small town in rural Pennsylvania. I teach high school Social Studies, grade 10. There are about 25 students in the classroom, in which one of those students are special needs. The ages of my children are 15-16 years old.
The students in the classroom really enjoy the great outdoors! In the town I live in, there isn't much you can do but work, and hang out with your family and friends. I have a great relationship with my students where they trust me and each of them are their own individual without causing problems. My students are friendly and when they come in, they make me really enjoy my job because they enjoy being taught and learning. As a whole my students function well together and help one another out. I use different technologies in my classroom such as a smartboard in which I use for videos, projets, etc. It is a great tool that can be used by the teacher and the student and my students love to use it because it's a blast to play with! I help out my specials needs students by definitely incorporating them into what we are doing but in their own way so that they understand it but yet it is still accommodating their needs as well. I have a helper who comes in to help the students with needs in case I am not able to meet them myself and they also have particular tests they take that are accommodating to their disability.
The organization of my classroom is designed based on my students, their needs, and spacing. I designed my classroom with the Promethean in the front of the room where I can stand easily without being cluttered and if there were say a group presentation going on, the students would have plenty of space to stand and do what is needed without everything being squished. I have it so eight, eight, and nine students are sat at the large round tables with plenty of room to do their work. I have the special needs help at her own desk behind the table with nine students because at that table, my two special needs students are seated and she can easily help them when I am unavailable. I have a laptop case by my shelving that is home to Mac's that were provided to me by the school. They are a lovely asset to my classroom because the students can do a lot of their work on them and technology is very prevalent now a days.
1. One technology that connects students and teachers inside the classroom would be the SMARTboard. The SMARTboard is definitely a great tool that makes teaching and learning fun. You can do so much on it because it is all touch, you can use your hands for it which makes it that much more fun! You can do anything on it from videos to presentations.
3. One technology which connects students and teachers outside the classroom would be Facebook. Teachers are able to create pages for students which then they can share the homework, talk about things in the classroom, and parents are always more than able to join in on the page to see what is going on!
4. One technology which connects classroom with experts around the world would be Skype. Many classrooms now-a-days are being taught via skype where the teacher is on skype and the students are in the classroom or can even be somewhere else and still be taught the lesson. It's quite remarkable what technology has advanced to, skype is a wonderful tool and I look forward to using it in the future in my classroom.

III. Assistive Technology
-As mentioned before, I have a special needs student in my classroom. My student has problems with his ADHD. The special needs help spends her time a lot of her time with him to help with his short attention span, helping me out, to makes sure his work get done. Due to his trouble focusing, we have him doing smaller tasks instead of the largers ones however, he still accomplishes the same amount of work the other students do. When it comes time to take tests, he takes particular tests that are made up for him so his abilities are met. When he is doing his work, he is in a different part of the classroom than the other students so he isn't distracted due to his inability to consentrate. He is a very intelligent student with a bright future and it's my job to make sure I do everything in my power to make sure he succeeds! Below is a picture of Jimmy:
IV. Feedback!
VI. Annotated Bibliography
-The Alliance for Access to Computing Careers, . "What are typical accommodations for students with AD/HD?." University of Washington. University of Washington, 25 2011. Web. 12 Dec 2012. <http://www.washington.edu/accesscomputing/articles?309>.
- Young, Denise . "Classroom environment: the basics." Learn NC. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Web. 12 Dec 2012. <http://www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/734>. This site was about how you should have your classroom and what a good enviroment for students to learn would be.
-Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois , . "A Student’s Guide to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)." Counseling Center at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Counseling Center at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, n.d. Web. 12 Dec 2012. <http://www.counselingcenter.illinois.edu/?page_id=137>. This gave me information on ADHD that I wasn't aware of and taught me things that I should know for the future for my classroom if I need to accomodate someone with ADHD.
Your blog is great! You did an awesome job explaining yourself throughout the whole project